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Bibliographical references
- Andrographis paniculata in the treatment of upper respiratory tractinfections: a systematic review of safety and efficacy.
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- Andrographolide: A Review of its Anti-inflammatoryActivity via Inhibition of NF-kappaB Activation from ComputationalChemistry Aspects
Jutti Levita, As`ari Nawawi, Abdul Mutalib and Slamet Ibrahim
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- Efficacy of Andrographis paniculata, Nees forpharyngotonsillitis in adults.
Thamlikitkul V, Dechatiwongse T, Theerapong S, Chantrakul C,Boonroj P, Punkrut W, Ekpalakorn W, Boontaeng N, Taechaiya S,Petcharoen S, et al.
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- Andrographolide prevents oxygen radical production byhuman neutrophils: possible mechanism(s) involved in itsanti-inflammatory effect.
Shen YC, Chen CF, Chiou WF.
Br J Pharmacol. 2002 Jan;135(2):399-406.
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- Antimicrobial activity of Andrographis paniculata.
Singha PK, Roy S, Dey S.
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- Analgesic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and toxiceffects of andrographolide derivatives in experimental animals
Supawadee Suebsasana, Panicha Pongnaratorn, JintanaSattayasai, Tarinee Arkaravichien, Siriporn Tiamkao, ChantanaAromdee
Archives of Pharmacal Research September 2009, Volume 32,Issue 9, pp 1191-1200
Springer Link:http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs12272-009-1902-x
- Use of visual analogue scale measurements (VAS) to assesthe effectiveness of standardized Andrographis paniculata extractSHA-10 in reducing the symptoms of common cold. A randomized doubleblind-placebo study.
Cáceres DD, Hancke JL, Burgos RA, Sandberg F, Wikman GK.
Phytomedicine. 1999 Oct;6(4):217-23.
Pubmed: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10589439
- Immunostimulant agents from Andrographis paniculata.
Puri A, Saxena R, Saxena RP, Saxena KC, Srivastava V, TandonJS.
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- Antioxidative and cytoprotective effects ofandrographolide against CCl4-induced hepatotoxicity in HepG2 cells.
Krithika R, Verma R, Shrivastav P.
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10. Antioxidant and gastroprotective activities ofAndrographis paniculata (Hempedu Bumi) in Sprague Dawley rats.
Wasman SQ, Mahmood AA, Chua LS, Alshawsh MA, Hamdan S.
Indian J Exp Biol. 2011 Oct;49(10):767-72.
Pubmed: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22013743
- Antioxidant, antioedema and analgesic activities ofAndrographis paniculata extracts and their active constituentandrographolide.
Lin FL, Wu SJ, Lee SC, Ng LT.
Phytother Res. 2009 Jul;23(7):958-64.
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- A randomized, controlled study of Kan Jang versusamantadine in the treatment of influenza in Volgograd.
Kulichenko LL, Kireyeva LV, Malyshkina EN, Wikman G.
J Herb Pharmacother. 2003;3(1):77-93.
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- Double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot and phase IIIstudy of activity of standardized Andrographis paniculata HerbaNees extract fixed combination (Kan jang) in the treatment ofuncomplicated upper-respiratory tract infection.
Melchior J, Spasov AA, Ostrovskij OV, Bulanov AE, Wikman G.
Phytomedicine. 2000 Oct;7(5):341-50.
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Phytomedicine. 2010 Mar;17(3-4):178-85.
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- Controlled clinical study of standardized Andrographispaniculata extract in common cold - a pilot trial
J. Melchior, S. Palm, G. Wikman
Phytomedicine Volume 3, Issue 4, February 1997, Pages 315–318
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Juan Hancke, Rafael Burgos, Dante Caceres, Georg Wikman
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Wiley Online Library:http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ptr.2650090804/abstract
- A double blind, placebo-controlled study of Andrographispaniculata fixed combination Kan Jang in the treatment of acuteupper respiratory tract infections including sinusitis.
Gabrielian ES, Shukarian AK, Goukasova GI, Chandanian GL,Panossian AG, Wikman G, Wagner H.
Phytomedicine. 2002 Oct;9(7):589-97.
Pubmed: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12487322
- Comparative controlled study of Andrographis paniculatafixed combination, Kan Jang and an Echinacea preparation asadjuvant, in the treatment of uncomplicated respiratory disease inchildren.
Spasov AA, Ostrovskij OV, Chernikov MV, Wikman G.
Phytother Res. 2004 Jan;18(1):47-53.
Pubmed: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14750201
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