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Plants & ingredients

In this index, Laboratoires ORTIS allows you to discover beneficial plants and natural active substances to optimise digestion , energy levels, memory, joints and enjoyment of life...

Owing to the vast evidence of efficacy which is regularly broadening the acquired knowledge, herbal medicine is now recognised by a large part of the scientific community. This gentle, natural method is based on extraction of the active substance from a plant (i.e. the molecules found inside the plant’s organs: root, stem, leaf, flower or whole plant), and incorporation of this substance into capsules, liquids, powders and tablets, etc. Some people who use herbal medicine also take the fresh or dried plant as a concentrated juice or as a herbal tea.

    • Alginic acid extract of phaeophyceae algae
      Alginic acid extract of phaeophyceae algae

      The principal organisms consisting of alginates are brown algae. They are made up of more than 40% which constitutes the most abundant polysaccharide in these organisms. Alginic acid.

    • Agave
      This succulent plant forms a rosette of thick, fleshy leaves with a pointed tip and thorny edges. The long flowering stem (up to 8 m tall on the Agave Americana) generally has numerous tubular flowers. Agave grows slowly and takes several years to...
    • Amla
      Amla, also known as “Indian gooseberry” is the edible fruit of a bushy tree with deciduous leaves from the Euphorbiaceae family, which can reach a height of fifteen metres. Its light green leaves are simple and closely spaced along the branches. I...
    • Andrographis
      An annual herbaceous plant that can reach 1 metre in height - Hairless, lance-shaped and pinnate - Small, white or pale pink flowers with touches of brown or purple - Numerous seeds in elongated pods.
    • Artichoke
      Artichoke is a perennial plant that resembles a thistle and belongs to the composite family. It can grow up to 2 metres in height and is composed of large split leaves. In July, large blueish-purple flowers blossom. It is interesting to note that ...
    • Ash
      A large tree that can reach up to 40 m in height and 1m diameter - Straight trunk with smooth, greyish bark that cracks with age - Relatively hard, tough and flexible wood, without distinct sapwood, pearly white in colour - Opposite, odd-pinnate l...
    • Barbados cherry
      Barbados cherry
      An evergreen bush (or shrub) – Opposite, oval or elliptical leaves with a pointed tip – Bright red flowers that bloom three times a year and that are grouped into axillary inflorescences – Edible fruit, with a pleasant, acidic flavour and a remark...
    • Betula pubescens
      Betula pubescens
      Betula pubescens [birch] is a slow-growing (10 m in 20 years) slender tree. It generally reaches a height of 10 to 15 m, sometimes 20 m. Smooth and downy branches, diamond-shaped leaves that are downy on the underside. Betula pubescens has a white...
    • Blackcurrant
      A leafy shrub reaching between 1 and 1.5 m in height. When the fresh leaves are rubbed, they release a highly aromatic fragrance. The fragrance fades when the flowers are dried. The flowers have 3 to 5 triangular lobes with serrated edges. Its lim...
    • Butcher's broom
      Butcher's broom
      A small, evergreen shrub of 20 to 50 cm - Green, hairless, cylindrical, ribbed stems with branches, covered in shoots that look like tough leaves (similar to holly) with a sharp tip. These sessile (without a peduncle) false leaves (cladodes) have ...
    • Bladder wrack
      Bladder wrack
      Bladder wrack is a brown seaweed (dark brown-olive green in colour) with vesicles (lighter-coloured pneumatocysts) filled with gas, that allow them to maintain a certain buoyancy while remaining attached to the substrate by an uneven shaped holdfa...
    • Common angelica
      Common angelica
      Biennial herbaceous plant. It is highly aromatic and measures from 80 cm to two metres in height. Its inflorescence in large umbels (umbels and secondary umbels) comprises greenish flowers. Its leaves are hairy on the underside, with a long petiol...
    • Clay
      Clay is a type of magnesium-aluminium silicate crystalloid hydric ore.
    • Coffee
      A small tree of less than 9 m in height, which likes the shade of the taller trees and is trimmed to 2 to 3 metres in plantations - The leaves are evergreen, bright green, and elliptical in shape - The flowers are white, and smooth and are grouped...
    • Chamomile (common)
      Chamomile (common)

      Common chamomile is an annual plant from the asteraceae family.
      It is a real pioneer plant, often found near residential areas, heavily used land or grown along roads and fields. It is not a demanding plant, because it can grow perfectly in ...

    • Cinnamomum aromaticum or cassia
      Cinnamomum aromaticum or cassia
      A tree measuring approximately 10 metres in height. Its opposite, oblong to lance-shaped leaves are quite long, have a tough consistency and are slightly downy on the underside. The white to yellowish-coloured flowers are small and are grouped in ...
    • Caraway
      Biennial herbaceous plant, 50 to 75 cm tall, with leaves divided into numerous linear lobes. Small white flowers grouped into umbels at the top. Its seeds are yellow and slightly curved.
    • Common thyme, garden thyme or farigoule thyme
      Common thyme, garden thyme or farigoule thyme
      Thymus vulgaris is a small, dense, and highly aromatic perennial sub-shrub, of 7 to 30 cm in height, that is greyish or green-grey in colour. Its stems, which are woody at the base and herbaceous higher up, are almost cylindrical, and are grouped ...
    • Dates
      Dates belong to the palm family. They can reach a height of approximately 20 metres. Its leaves measure up to 5 metres long. They have spines on the petiole and grow in a fan shape. They have more or less 150 folioles that are 30 cm long and 2 cm ...
    • Dandelion
      Dandelion is a perennial plant with a thick base, a long, fusiform, reddish-brown root that is the width of a finger. The leaves, arranged in a rosette shape at the base of the plant, are deeply divided with serrated and pointed lobes, in a vibran...
    • Eleutherococcus
      A thorny bush, 2 to 3 metres tall, that colonises the mixed forests beyond the geographical border of panax ginseng, because it tolerates colder climates - Compound palmate leaves with a long petiole - Clusters of flowers in spherical umbels, purp...
    • Erysimum
      Erysimum (also known as sisymbrium or hedge mustard) is an annual, herbaceous plant reaching a height of 30 to 80 cm. Its hairy stem has branches that run almost perpendicular to the main stem. Its leaves are split into unequal lobes. Its flowers ...
    • Eschscholzia
      A herbaceous plant with small bright yellow or yellowish-orange flowers and grey to bluish-green foliage - Fine, alternating pinnate leaves with deep splits – Fruits in long green capsules with tapered edges (shaped like a nightcap) containing tin...
    • Eucalyptus
      The height of this tree can vary between 30 and 60 metres. It grows extremely rapidly because it can grow approximately 1 metre per month in its first three years. It is also commonly referred to as the “blue gum”, because of its bluish green, gen...
    • Elderberry
      A bush, with branches that are often curved, that can measure 1 to 10 metres in height - Green-grey fissured bark - Deciduous, opposite and odd pinnate leaves comprising 5 to 7 folioles, regularly serrated, a little more velvety along the veins an...
    • Fennel
      Fennel is perennial plant belonging to the Apiaceae family. The plant can grow to a height of 2.5 metres. The stems and leaves are pinnate, filiform and bright green in colour. There is also a bronze-coloured variety. The yellow flowers arranged i...
    • Figs
      Fig trees, a member of the moraceae family, can grow to a height of 10 metres. Its leaves are divided into lobes with small splits. The flowers are small and are enclosed in a fleshy receptacle. After pollination, this develops into a purple, pear...
    • Fragrant Wintergreen
      Fragrant Wintergreen
      A small shrub that does not exceed 20 cm in height (ground cover). It flowers in summer (white flowers in June and July) and grows round red berries like little cherries, in autumn. Its evergreen foliage is always green, hence the name “wintergree...
    • Garlic
      A perennial monocotyledon food crop. Its bulbs, with a strong odour and flavour, are often used as a condiment in cooking. One head of garlic is made up of several bulblets or cloves of garlic.
    • Golden Shower Tree
      Golden Shower Tree
      Golden Shower is a rapidly growing tree that is a member of the Fabaceae family. It can reach a height of 20 metres. The tree grows well in dry regions, in soil with good drainage. It prefers full sunlight, but can withstand a cold spell. The pinn...
    • Great yellow gentian
      Great yellow gentian
      A herbaceous perennial plant native to mountain regions grows alone or in a group, of a glaucous green that can reach a height of 2 metres. Its root is long and fleshy. It has upright stems, without branches. Its leaves are opposite, simple, lance...
    • Ginger
      A tropical herbaceous perennial plant of approximately 0.90 m tall that grows from a rhizome - evergreen, lance-shaped, biseriate, long and fragrant leaves - White and yellow flowers with red edges, with green and yellow bracts. A short axillary ...
    • Ginkgo
      Tree with deciduous leaves, unique among spermatophytes, because it has two palm-shaped lobes without a central vein like almost all modern plants. The leaves have petioles which are attached to the branches in small groups of 3 or 4 and reach 5 t...
    • Ginseng
      Undergrowth vegetation (needs natural or artificial shade) - Likes acidic (pH 6.3 to 6.8) and light (sandy or humus rich) soil to be able to easily develop its roots. Loses its leaves and stem, and lies dormant in autumn. Its vegetation recovers f...
    • Greater burdock
      Greater burdock
      Biennial or perennial plant. It can grow to a height of up to two metres. Its leaves are alternate, cordiform, downy on the underside, with long petioles. It flowers during the months of July and August. Its purplish-coloured flowers are grouped i...
    • Guarana
      Woody sarmentous or climbing shrub that trails along trees - Alternate leaves with tendrils and 5 oval and pointed folioles - Greenish flowers in clusters at the end of axillary peduncles - Fruit in a red membranous capsule with three lobular cavi...
    • Harpagophytum or devil's claw
      Harpagophytum or devil's claw
      A perennial herbaceous plant. Its main root descends very deeply vertically into the earth and has secondary roots with bulbous tubers that can weigh up to 1.5 kg. Its light green leaves are fleshy, opposite and lobed with petioles. Its pale pink ...
    • Hibiscus
      Hibiscus is a large bush that can reach a height of 5 metres. Its alternate, simple, oval or lance-shaped leaves have serrated or undulated edges. Its monochrome or two-tone flowers are isolated or grouped into inflorescences, which are twisted be...
    • Hops
      A woody, herbaceous, dioecious and perennial plant with a large fleshy root that has long herbaceous offshoots that are quadrangular in section and that quickly wind around their support - Opposite leaves, with 3 to 5 lobes. The female plants prod...
    • Horse chestnut
      Horse chestnut
      A large medicinal and ornamental tree that can live longer than 300 years and measure up to 30 metres in height - Large deciduous, opposite, palmate leaves with 5 or 7 serrated folioles and a long petiole - White or pink flowers, stained with red,...
    • Iron
      Red meat, poultry, fish and seafood contain both haem and non-haem iron. Dried fruit, molasses, whole grains, legumes, vegetables.
    • Ispaghula
      Ispaghula (or psyllium), an annual plant, comprises a branched stem and linear, lance-shaped, serrated and downy leaves. Its flowers are white and grouped into cylindrical ears, and its seeds are oval, carinated, grey or light beige with a convex ...
    • Juniper
      The leaves of this bush are sharp evergreen needles, which are green on the upper side with a characteristic thick white stripe. Its flowers are insignificant on the new shoots: the males are yellow, the females are green. Its fruit, initially gre...
    • Kola
      Kola nuts are the seeds produced by the kola tree, a tree that can reach a height of 10 to 15 m. Its leaves are oval with pointed tips, and dark green in colour. Its cream-coloured flowers are grouped into clusters, without petals or sepals. Its f...
    • Lemon
      Lemons, the fruit of the lemon tree, are part of the citrus family. The colour of the rind of a ripe lemon varies from a gentle green to bright yellow. Lemon trees measures between 5 and 10 m in height. They are covered with evergreen leaves.
    • Lemon eucalyptus
      Lemon eucalyptus
      The essential oil from the leaves.
    • Lavandin
      A hybrid plant, the result of a cross between L. angustifolia and L. latifolia . Its stem is longer (60 to 80 cm) than that of lavender, it has a larger, more pointed flower head, and is more vividly purple in colour. It is also distinguished from...
    • Lithothamnion
      Lithothamnion is a small red algae with calcified ramifications of a thickness of 2 to 3 mm and that can reach a length of approximately 8 cm. It looks a lot like coral, but is very fragile, irregular in shape, and grows very slowly.
    • Lemon balm
      Lemon balm
      A herbaceous, aromatic, perennial plant measuring 30 to 80 cm tall, with upright stems with square sections - Small, oval, embossed and serrated bright green leaves that release a gentle lemony fragrance when rubbed - White flowers with bell-shape...
    • Liquorice
      A perennial plant measuring between 1 and 1.5 metres tall. Its roots form aromatic rhizomes. Its large leaves are perennial, measuring 7 to 15 centimetres in length, and are made up of 9 to 17 folioles. Its small purple flowers, of one centimetre ...
    • Milk thistle
      Milk thistle
      A large, robust, biennial plant, often exceeding 1 metre in height - Large glossy pale green leaves, pinnately lobed and rippled, with very sharp, yellow-tipped spines around the edges and with a multitude of white veins on the obverse, giving the...
    • Marshmallow
      A large fuzzy perennial plant that is soft to the touch. Its upright stems can reach a height of 1.5 metres. Its lobed and pointed leaves are a pale greyish-green colour. It has pale pink flowers with a short peduncle. Its fruit is formed of numer...
    • Magnolia
      Large tree (20 metres tall) - Dull grey, relatively smooth bark - Young branches covered with a reddish-brown down - Very large evergreen leaves, dark green in colour, very tough, full and sometimes with an undulated edge, elliptical in shape, “wa...
    • Melon
      Annual herbaceous plant. Its climbing stems are relatively long with tendrils. Its leaves are full or slightly lobed and its yellow flowers are monoecious. Its generally large oval or round fruit is covered with a skin that may be varying degrees ...
    • Meadowsweet
      A large (0.5 to 1 m), perennial, herbaceous, leafy, velvety, upright plant, with rampant rhizomes - A reddish, hairless and angular stem - Flowers in multiple branched false umbels, highly fragrant, yellowish white in colour - Odd pinnate, dark gr...
      • Oats
        Oats are a type of herb from the poaceae family. It is an annual plant cultivated for its grain, that is generally used in cereals. The plant can reach 0.5 m to 1.5 m tall. In June, its flowers appear in ears and are pollinated by the wind. Its fr...
      • Poppy
        An annual plant with a whitish-coloured, fibrous taproot - A fragile, cylindrical, upright stem (50-70 cm), with branches and covered in coarse hair - Alternate leaves, deeply divided into narrow, elongated, serrated and pointed leaves, covered in...
      • Purple coneflower
        Purple coneflower
        A perennial plant centred around a solid branched stem with a slightly coarse texture (hairs). Depending on its biotype, it can measure between 60 and 150 cm – Leaves with petioles or almost sessile, depending on whether they are attached to the b...
      • Peppermint
        Peppermint is a rapidly growing, perennial plant, is the result of a cross between water mint (M. aquatica) and spearmint (M. spicata). The “x” that appears in the plant’s botanical name indicates that it comes from a cross between two different p...
      • Passion flower
        Passion flower
        A perennial climbing plant that hooks on with its tendrils. A herbaceous plant that disappears completely in winter in cold regions - Alternate leaves held by a downy petiole of 1-2 cm in length - Solitary flowers of 5 to 9 cm diameter, pink or pa...
      • Pine
        A slender tree with a long, sometimes twisted trunk, that can reach a height forty metres. It is particularly recognised for the ochre-red colour of its bark, in the top and young part of the trunk of the adult tree - Relatively short to medium si...
      • Pea
        Peas are a herbaceous annual climbing plant. Its sparsely branched stem varies in length from 50 cm to 2 m, and climbs by using the tendrils on the leaves to cling on to its supports. Its flowers are white or pink and its round and smooth or angul...
      • Potato
        Herbaceous, perennial plant, cultivated as an annual plant. Its stems are round to angular in cross-section and form edges from which wings or ribs are formed. They are generally green in colour and can vary from red to purple. Its leaves are comp...
      • Prebiotics
        Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) are present in many edible vegetables (particularly onion, chicory, etc.). Derived from sucrose, they belong to the family of fructans
      • Probiotics
        Lactic ferments were initially isolated from milk. They are also found in low concentrations in numerous foods.
      • Propolis
        Propolis is a complex made by bees from their secretions and a series of resinous, gummy and balsamic plant substances.
      • Prune
        Prunes are the fruit of the prune tree, a large bush or small shrub in the rosaceae family. The subspecies cross breed easily, with the consequence of the existence of several intermediary forms. Prune trees grow easily, they have very few require...
      • Pelargonium
        Pelargonium or cape geranium is a perennial plant whose shape resembles a rosette. Its grey-green cordate leaves are velvety in texture. As its name indicates, the plant belongs to the geranium family. It flowers all year and is characterised by f...
        • Rhodiola
          A succulent, perennial and dioecious (male or female, cannot propagate on its own) found in cold regions, and particularly likes altitude (up to 2280 metres). Made up of several branches from the same thick root, it reaches a height of 5 to 35 cm,...
        • Rhubarb
          Rhubarb is a perennial plant that is part of the polygonaceae family. Chinese Rhubarb is a different species to our garden rhubarb, even though it belongs to the same family. It is not eaten as a food, but for its medicinal properties. The plant c...
        • Red vine
          Red vine
          Red vine is a climbing plant with deciduous leaves that belongs to the vitaceae family and which, if not trimmed, can reach a height of 10 to 20 metres tall. Its serrated, heart-shaped leaves can measure up to 15 cm. At the start of the summer, in...
        • Senegalia senegal or gum acacia
          Senegalia senegal or gum acacia
          A deciduous (that loses its leaves during the winter) thorny bush or tree. It can vary in size from small to medium and grow up to 15 m tall. The colour of its bark can vary from a yellowish brown to blackish on older trees. Its leaves are bipinna...
        • Spinach
          Spinach is a dioecious species, i.e. with separate male and female plants. Its small green flowers do not seek to attract insects for reproduction. Essentially, spinach is anemophilous. This means that the plant’s method of reproduction, pollinati...
        • Shea
          Shea is a wild tree measuring between 10 and 15 metres in height. It takes 15 years to bear its first fruit. Its leaves are elongated and ovoid. Its fleshy, edible fruit resembles a small avocado with sweet flesh. It contains a seed (sometimes two...
        • Senna
          Senna is a leguminous shrub that can grow to a height of 2 metres. It grows in a climate ranging from hot to tropical. The plant has pinnate leaves consisting of 4 to 6 pairs of lance-shaped leaves. It is often used as an ornamental plant in garde...
        • Soya
          Soya is an annual herbaceous plant from the papilionaceous family. There are varieties that can reach around twenty centimetres tall and plants that can reach more than 1.5 m tall. The plant is covered with small red-brown to grey hairs, with larg...
        • Satureioides Thyme
          Satureioides Thyme
          Sub-shrub of 10 to 30 cm, perennial - Highly aromatic - Woody, twisted stems with ascending branches - Small, opposite, lance-shaped or linear leaves, rolled at the edges - Pink or whitish bilabiate flowers of 1/2 cm in size grouped into glomerule...
        • Turmeric
          A perennial and robust herb that can reach a height of 90 cm. Its leaves are large, green, and oblong in shape with a tapered edge. Its pale yellow flowers are shaped into ears. Its fresh rhizomes have beige-coloured skin and bright orange flesh.
        • Tamarind
          Tamarind is the fruit of the tamarind tree, a tropical tree in the Fabaceae family. It grows up to a height of ten to twenty metres. It is a slow-growing tree. The compound, pinnate leaves, are evergreen, bright green and elliptical and oval in sh...
        • Tea plant
          Tea plant
          A tree with evergreen leaves, that can reach 10 to 30 m for certain varieties - Alternative, evergreen, elongated and elliptical leaves (4-15 cm x 2-7 cm) that are glossy and dark green, quite tough, and with a relatively thick texture - White to ...
          • Vit B9 – Folic acid
            Vit B9 – Folic acid
            Folic acid is a member of the family of B vitamins and it is also known as folate. Folic acid acts as a coenzyme in the normal replication of DNA intervenes in the synthesis of aminoacids and nucleoproteins, and it promotes the formation of normal...
          • Vitamin A
            Vitamin A
            Vitamin A is essentially found in products of animal origin: liver, meat, fish, whole milk (full-cream milk has a high vitamin A content), butter, eggs, cheese, etc. Provitamin A (beta-carotene) is found in certain fruits and vegetables that conta...
          • Vitamin B3
            Vitamin B3
            Vitamin B3 is a hydrosoluble vitamin (water soluble). It is also known as niacin or vitamin PP.
          • Vitamin C
            Vitamin C
            Vitamin C is mainly found in colourful and raw fruits and vegetables: red pepper, orange, lemon, grapefruit, cantaloup, raspberry, strawberry, broccoli, tomato, etc.
          • Vitamin E
            Vitamin E
            Vitamin E is mainly found in nuts, seeds, vegetable oils and, to a lesser extent, in green leafy vegetables. It is important to highlight that pistachios and peanuts.
          • Vitamin D
            Vitamin D
            Vitamin D3, or cholecalciferol, is not a vitamin in the proper sense. It is a hormone derived from the stress hormone, cortisol.
          • Wild pansy
            Wild pansy
            A small (even dwarf) herbaceous annual, pluriannual or even perennial plant with solitary flowers, elevated on long, yellow, white and purple-tinged peduncles (which is where the name comes from). It has a tendency to climb and can measure up to 3...
            • Yarrow
              An upright, perennial plant, with single or sparsely grouped stems varying from 18 to 80 cm. They are somewhat ramified and have short, whitish fuzzy hairs. Its elongated, dark green leaves are split into short, fine strips. The leaves are longer,...

            The health claims that feature on our website in relation to the plants contained in our products are compliant with the list of health claims awaiting final assessment by the Community authorities (cf. website of the European Commission: http://ec.europa.eu/nuhclaims/). However, they may be subject to modification following their assessment by the national competent authorities.

            The health claims relating to other nutrients or substances contained in our products that feature on our site are compliant with Regulation No. 432/2012 of the Commission of 16 May 2012 which establishes a list of authorised health claims authorised in relation to food products, other than those in reference to the reduction of the risk of disease as well as community-based development and child health (cf. website of the European Commission: http://ec.europa.eu/nuhclaims/).