Latin name
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Active components
Bibliographical references
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- Safety and efficacy of a bulk laxative containing senna versus lactulose in the treatment of chronic constipation in geriatric patients.
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- Myths and misconceptions about chronic constipation.
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- Cassia angustifolia extract is not hepatotoxic in an in vitro and in vivo study.
Vitalone A, Di Giacomo S, Di Sotto A, Franchitto A, Mammola CL, Mariani P, Mastrangelo S, Mazzanti G.
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- Is senna laxative use associated to cathartic colon, genotoxicity, or carcinogenicity?
Morales MA, Hernández D, Bustamante S, Bachiller I, Rojas A.
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- Anthraquinones Containing Plants Reconsidered
L. Delmulle, K. Demeyer
ISBN: 9789034192905, WPG Uitgevers BE, 2008
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