Where to find our products?
ORTIS products are available in health food stores, pharmacies and parapharmacies.


Senna is a leguminous shrub that can grow to a height of 2 metres. It grows in a climate ranging from hot to tropical. The plant has pinnate leaves consisting of 4 to 6 pairs of lance-shaped leaves. It is often used as an ornamental plant in gardens, thanks to its clusters of pretty yellow flowers. The fragrance of the flowers particularly attracts butterflies and other insects. The flowers later transform into flat, brown pods.

Latin name

Cassia angustifolia Vahl


Senna originates in Arabia and India.

Used part

The leaves and the pods.

Active components

Anthraquinones (sennosides): substances that, through contact, stimulate the peristalsis of the intestines and reduce the absorption of water through the intestinal wall. This makes the stools softer and facilitates intestinal transit.


The use of senna dates back to the 9th century. In this period, it was used to treat various ailments, including hepatic conditions. From the start, this plant has been used to treat constipation. It is currently used as a natural way to promote intestinal transit and therefore to regulate the stools. 1-3 As long as the dosage is respected, senna is safe to use. 4-8

Bibliographical references

The health claims that feature on our website in relation to the plants contained in our products are compliant with the list of health claims awaiting final assessment by the Community authorities (cf. website of the European Commission: http://ec.europa.eu/nuhclaims/). However, they may be subject to modification following their assessment by the national competent authorities.

The health claims relating to other nutrients or substances contained in our products that feature on our site are compliant with Regulation No. 432/2012 of the Commission of 16 May 2012 which establishes a list of authorised health claims authorised in relation to food products, other than those in reference to the reduction of the risk of disease as well as community-based development and child health (cf. website of the European Commission: http://ec.europa.eu/nuhclaims/).