Latin name
Used part
Active components
Glucosinolates: have an antimicrobial, relaxing and protective action on the vocal chords.
Vitamin C: antioxidant. Mucilages: have a soothing effect.
Tannins: have an astringent and antiseptic effect.
Flavonoids: antioxidant.
Bibliographical references
- Pharmacological and phytochemical study on a Sisymbrium officinale Scop. extract.
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J Ethnopharmacol. 2010 Feb 17;127(3):731-6.
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Matteo Politi, Alessandra Braca, Gianmario Altinier, Silvio Sosa, Karine Ndjoko, Jean-Luc Wolfender, Kurt Hostettmann, Jesus Jiménez-Barbero
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Auguste Truelle
La Nature N°2758 - 1er avril 1927
Gloubik Sciences: http://sciences.gloubik.info//spip.php?article628
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